Welcome to Segunda Época
A taste for living space
Ever since I was little, I have loved to change, improve, and play around with the objects and furniture around me, until I find the harmony that makes me feel happy just seeing them and being in the room. This is the spirit of Segunda Época. Since 1998, when the store was opened, I have decorated an endless number of spaces. These same spaces, once decorated with care and skill, become experiences, emotions, part of your life. Decoration is a reflection of the people who inhabit and live in that space. We make the places in which we spend our time as beautiful, comfortable and healthy for our sight and other senses, because beauty goes beyond purely aesthetic pleasure, it is a state of mind and emotion, a way of being in the world.

Unique spaces
Segunda Época offers you advice and a professional opinion based on almost three decades working, creating and living the world of decoration. We have all the necessary collaborators, from upholsterers, carpenters and painters, to paper hangers and infographic artists, so that you can see the results before starting on your renovation project. We will shape your needs and criteria with you, or if you prefer, you can leave it all up to us.